Zend Optimizer in Cloud Web Hosting
Zend Optimizer is set up on all servers that are a part of our revolutionary cloud hosting platform. No matter which Linux cloud web hosting you get, you will be able to take advantage of the software instrument to ensure that any kind of script app that needs it will function perfectly as part of your account. By using a handy instrument in the Advanced section of the Hepsia Control Panel that is provided with all the website hosting accounts, you'll be able to activate and deactivate a variety of options with one button. Zend Optimizer is one of them, so even if this is your very first web hosting account ever, you won't experience any issues. In the same area you can also choose the PHP release for your account - 4 and numerous versions of 5, thus each time you change to one that you haven't used yet, you can enable Zend Optimizer for it with a single click. Because our platform enables you to employ multiple PHP releases at once, more experienced users can enable the tool for a particular site with a php.ini file in a specific domain folder as well.