We’ve developed a multitude of Advanced Instruments that can be found for you completely free with our Mind2Web Hosting Online Control Panel! They’re suitable for web–developers as well as for webmasters who want to be in charge of their web hosting environment independently. You can quickly generate an .htaccess file, alter the PHP version for your personal hosting account, modify the php.ini file, create several automated chores and applications, and even more!

All of the Advanced Instruments follow the design pattern of our Online Control Panel, leading them to be genuinely straightforward.

Hotlink Protection

Secure yourself from data transfer theft

When you produce original content material there is always somebody who will try to make use of devoid of your permission. It relates both to text along with visuals. And here, the Hotlink Protection tool built into Mind2Web Hosting’s Online Control Panel will really help you. With merely a mouse–click, you will safeguard all photos on your web site by stopping other websites from connecting to them.

This way, you will not only end people from stealing your images, but you’ll also make sure you follow your monthly data traffic restriction.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Computerized creation of .htaccess files

At Mind2Web Hosting, you’ll have access to the .htaccess file of your site, which means you could make as many corrections as you would like. Including a few lines in the settings file, it’s possible to route your website to an alternative website address, or set up security password defense for a determined directory, etcetera.

When using the effective .htaccess Generator within the Online Control Panel, you no longer need to possess any information about .htaccess files. Just tell the tool what you need to perform and for exactly which web site, and afterwards click on the Save button. Mind2Web Hosting’s clever platform will produce the .htaccess file suitable for you in seconds.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Block out malicious IPs from your site

If you wish to obstruct a spammer from reaching your website, a web troll from your discussion forum or even a a group of IPs flooding your site, you should take advantage of our convenient IP blocking tool. It allows you to swiftly stop an IP address or maybe a a whole IP range from ever using your website.

Our IP Blocking tool is absolutely intuitive. Everything you need to actually do is enter in, the IP address (and / or addresses) that you want to bar and then press the action button. All IP addresses you have typed in will be blacklisted quickly.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Change the PHP rules for your personal site

For any of the cloud hosting packs from Mind2Web Hosting, you can choose the PHP build for your web sites – coming from old PHP releases such as PHP 4 up to the most current stable builds. You can do that with simply a mouse–click. All alterations are going to be carried out without delay. For each PHP build, you can get the php.ini file for your personal web site, so you’re able to completely alter the way PHP works.

You will find a streamlined user interface, which allows you to speedily alter the most significant PHP functions. Whenever you want, you could also go back to the standard settings in order to restore a backup.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Set automatic planned jobs

If there’s a study that you should run per day, or, maybe there are many automatic chores you’d like your site to complete, then cron jobs are actually the thing you need. Through the Mind2Web Hosting Online Control Panel, it’s easy to make and be in charge of various cron jobs. We have got made an easy–to–understand way for you to set up a cron job. It will take just one minute for a unique activity for being appointed for execution.

Cron jobs are available with all of our cloud hosting deals. Each includes a varied number of cron jobs. More cron jobs can be ordered as an upgrade whenever you wish.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Easy way to defend all your data

If you’d like to create a location in your site that can be seen only to the individuals you want, it is possible to take advantage of our Password Protection tool. Using it you can quickly generate a username and password protected directory which will be encoded and available just to you and also anybody else whom you share the logon data with.

The directory will be shielded automatically and no–one else will be able to check out what exactly is on the inside. You will definitely be the only individual who’ll be competent to adjust or change it unless you decide to approve additional clients to reach it.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL redirection with merely a couple of mouse–clicks

If you wish to instantly redirect your website to a new page or another web site, you can do so using the URL Redirection tool. It minimizes the need to come up with PHP redirects or configure an .htaccess file. Basically define the spot you need to point your website to and the software instrument will handle everything else. Your web site will be rerouted in the blink of an eye.

And, in case you have to stop the redirection and have your site pointed back to the initial URL, that can be done with a click of the mouse.

URL Redirection