In most cases users check only the features they will get with a specific cloud web hosting plan and forget something just as critical - the service uptime. As good as a plan might be, frequent downtimes could lead to lower search engine rank and lost potential customers regardless of what the reason for them could be. Naturally, very few people would come back to an Internet site that's not available half of the time, not mentioning the misused funds when you have invested in a marketing campaign. For this reason, whenever you buy a new web hosting solution, you should make sure that the service will be stable and your sites will be online 24/7. This means more traffic, or in case that you've got an online store, for example, higher uptime would mean more satisfied clients.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Web Hosting

We guarantee 99.9% network uptime for each and every cloud web hosting account on our servers. We take advantage of an innovative cloud hosting platform where each part of the website hosting service is handled by an independent cluster of servers, so if one machine fails, the other ones inside the cluster will take over at once. The cloud platform also cuts down the overall load greatly, so the website hosting service is far more stable compared to a service by which everything runs on one machine and your sites will perform in the very best way. In addition, we have redundant Internet lines and diesel backup generators to be sure that your websites will stay online no matter what. Hardware and software firewalls warrant the correct operation of the web servers in case there is DDoS attacks whereas in the case of any software problem, we have admins overseeing the web servers 24/7.