The NS (Name Server) records of a domain point out which DNS servers are authoritative for its zone. Simply, the zone is the group of all records for the domain, so when you open a URL inside an Internet browser, your computer asks the DNS servers worldwide where the domain is hosted and from which servers the DNS records for the domain address must be retrieved. With this a web browser finds out what the A or AAAA record of the domain address is so that the latter is mapped to an IP and the website content is required from the right location, a mail relay server detects which server handles the emails for the domain (MX record) so a message can be delivered to the right mailbox, and so on. Any modification of these sub-records is performed with the help of the company whose name servers are employed, so you're able to keep the website hosting and change only your email provider for instance. Every domain name has a minimum of two NS records - primary and secondary, which start with a prefix like NS or DNS.

NS Records in Cloud Web Hosting

In the event you register a domain name inside a cloud web hosting account from our company, you're going to be able to handle its name servers without difficulty. This can be done via the Registered Domains section of the in-house built Hepsia hosting CP and with just a few mouse clicks you are going to be able to update the NS records of a single one or even numerous domains simultaneously, which could save you considerable time and efforts in case you have a huge number of domain names that you'd like to direct to an alternative provider. You can enter a number of name servers depending on how many the other provider provides you with. Furthermore we permit you to create private name servers for each Internet domain registered through our company and in contrast to many other companies we don't charge anything extra for this service. The new NS records can be used to forward any other domain address to the hosting platform of the company whose IPs you have used during the process, so every time you use our IPs for instance, all domain addresses added to the account on our end can use these name servers.