ModSecurity is an effective firewall for Apache web servers that's employed to stop attacks against web applications. It tracks the HTTP traffic to a certain Internet site in real time and blocks any intrusion attempts as soon as it detects them. The firewall relies on a set of rules to do this - as an illustration, trying to log in to a script administration area without success a few times activates one rule, sending a request to execute a particular file which could result in gaining access to the Internet site triggers another rule, and so on. ModSecurity is among the best firewalls available and it will protect even scripts that aren't updated on a regular basis as it can prevent attackers from employing known exploits and security holes. Quite thorough data about every single intrusion attempt is recorded and the logs the firewall maintains are considerably more specific than the regular logs provided by the Apache server, so you can later take a look at them and decide if you need to take extra measures in order to increase the safety of your script-driven Internet sites.

ModSecurity in Cloud Web Hosting

We provide ModSecurity with all cloud web hosting solutions, so your web apps will be shielded from harmful attacks. The firewall is activated as standard for all domains and subdomains, but in case you would like, you'll be able to stop it via the respective section of your Hepsia Control Panel. You could also activate a detection mode, so ModSecurity will keep a log as intended, but won't take any action. The logs that you will find in Hepsia are extremely detailed and feature information about the nature of any attack, when it took place and from what IP address, the firewall rule which was triggered, and so on. We employ a set of commercial rules which are frequently updated, but sometimes our admins add custom rules as well in order to better protect the sites hosted on our machines.